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10 results for Human Resources jobs
Benefits Specialist
Makati City, Philippines -
Team Lead, People Solutions
Makati City, Philippines -
People Solutions Partner
Makati City, Philippines -
Reporting and Analytics Specialist
Makati City, Philippines -
Team Lead, Reporting and Analytics
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
HR Specialist & Office Services
Phnom Penh, Cambodia -
People Solutions Partner
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
Team Lead, People Solutions
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
Reporting and Analytics Specialist
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
Benefits Specialist
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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we’re proudly recognized as a preferred employer
Human Rights Campaign -
2024 - Rated 100%
For the 16th consecutive year, Chevron achieved a rating of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Equality Index, which ranks U.S. companies committed to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in the workforce.
2023 best place to work for
disability inclusion
The American Association of People with Disabilities and Disability : IN have recognized Chevron with a 100% rating on the 2023 Disability Equality Index, maintaining our top score for the fifth year in a row.
Newsweek America's Greatest Workplaces 2023
Newsweek and data firm Plant-A Insights group named Chevron as one of America’s Greatest Workplaces in 2023.
Forbes and Statista named Chevron to the 2024 list of America’s Best Employers for Diversity.